Members Area
Ladies Section
Welcome to Kilworth Springs Golf Ladies Section
Within these ladies pages you’ll find useful information about the ladies section of the club, including contact details for our Ladies Committee (which is separate from the main club committee). Please feel free to get in touch with any of our lady committee members if you have any questions or suggestions on how we can enhance your club experience.
Our upstairs ladies changing room has a keypad which requires you to enter a code to gain entry. Please ask any of our lady members for the code.
Inside the Clubhouse Foyer you’ll find a notice board that’s dedicated to our ladies section – here you can find out what we’re up to and register your interest for any upcoming competitions and events.
There’s also a ‘Members Diary’, click link at top of page to view, this lists everything that’s happening during the year, including: Mens, Ladies and Senior Mens events.
Our ‘Handbook’ gives more detailed information about our club and competition rules etc. Click link at top of page to view.
The club has kindly set aside regular Monday and Thursday morning tee slots dedicated to the ladies section, see details below.
If you’d like to play competitive events, but aren’t able to make Thursday mornings, we run weekend competitions which our main committee arrange. You’ll find details/dates of these in our ‘Members Diary’ and the main notice board inside the Clubhouse Foyer. Additionally, we have team matches, including: Handicap and Scratch League matches also Ladies Friendly and Mixed team matches – see ‘Members Diary’ and notice boards for dates/entry details.
Monday Morning Ladies Social
This is an opportunity for you to join in and get to know other lady members in a non-competitive round of golf. Afterwards we enjoy having a coffee and chat in the clubhouse.
Usually we have tee slots allocated to us between 9.16 and 10.05am each Monday. If you’d like to play in one of the available time slots, just add your name to the entry list on the ladies notice board. You’ll receive an email, usually 5 or 6 days before the date you’re due to play, confirming your tee slot and playing partners.
If, for any reason, you find you’re unable to play in your allocated slot, please email our Committee Member, Jean Johnson, to let her know you won’t be playing.
Thursday Morning
Ladies Competitions
On most Thursday mornings we hold a ladies competition. The first tee slot is usually 9.16 and the last usually 10.05am.
Each month we have a Medal, 9 Hole Stableford, Maximum Score (par +5) and an 18 Hole Stableford competition. We also organise some ‘Fun’ competitions throughout the year. You can register your interest for these using the entry lists on our ladies notice board.
Around 5 or 6 days before the competition you’ll receive an email confirming your allocated tee time and who you’ve been drawn to play with.
There’s a competition fee of £3 for 18 holes or £2 for 9 holes – the Pro Shop will deduct this from the credit on your membership card. When entering a competition, always ensure you’ve got sufficient credit on your membership card to cover the entry fee.
Please aim to arrive at the club around 15 minutes before your tee slot. On arrival, hand in your membership card at the Pro Shop to enable them to deduct the competition fee from it. Fun competitions are a bit different – for these you don’t need to register and pay at the Pro Shop, instead you can register and pay whoever is running the competition that day.
For all competitions - remember to pick up a blank scorecard from the Pro Shop.
After playing enter your scores on the computer screen inside the Clubhouse Foyer, using the ‘HowdidIdo’ system (not necessary for Fun Competitions). If you need help with this just ask another player, or someone in the Pro Shop. After entering your score into the computer, you must put your completed/signed scorecard into the Green Box situated on the floor in the foyer (underneath the ladies notice board). If it’s a Fun Competition, instead of putting your card in the green box, give it to whoever is running the competition.
You’ll be notified of the competition result (usually later on that day) via an email automatically generated by ‘Howdidido’. Any prize money given to the winner(s) will be via a credit to their membership card – this may take a few weeks to feed through.
Please note that our Thursday competitions are usually played off 95% of your Course Handicap.
If you don’t want to play in these competitions, there are usually some spare tee times we allocate to ‘General Play’ (after all the competition tee times have been drawn). The competition entry lists contain a ‘General Play’ column where you can register your interest. You’ll be notified of your general play tee slot and playing partners, by email, 5 or 6 days before the day of play.